
Why is it so Easy to Get Confused?

Confusion. It permeates our culture more now than ever. Constant distractions – non-stop video feeds… pictures, marketing, products, items, sales, the list goes on and on and on. How are we supposed to navigate an impossibly large amount of data every day? Our brains were not built for this kind of information “super-wave” ~`0`~ *scream emoji here* 😛 …

Who’s to blame for our anxiety? For our “lost” look on our face when we are asked, “howya doin’?” How the fuck are we supposed to react? We’re not fine! (at least below the surface we’re not). Why is it okay to just brush it off like it’s nothing? Because your friends do it? Because your parents do it? Because everyone else seems okay… … right?

No. Really, no. Society is on the decline emotionally and mentally and it’s been like this for decades. Sure, intellectually, we’re great, but human beings are more than just their intellect. If it was as easy as just adding 1+2 = 3 then people really would be fine! In fact, we would have it nailed down! But emotions don’t add like that. Our lives don’t add like that.

Why is it so easy to get confused? Because we have too many options and we can’t commit to one option. Sure, we have 10 trillion options, but it’s useless if we don’t pick one. And even if we DO pick one, we’re so “wowed!” by the very next “newest, latest, brightest, shiniest” option that we change our mind. This happens ALL the time, to just about everything we have made commitments to: where we work, what phone we have, even the shampoo we purchase! Oh and who we marry – we change our minds on that about half of the time too.

What’s worse, our society does not promote or respect the room to even make a friggin’ decision! When is there any time to sit and reflect on big decisions like purchasing a car, getting a dog, or even having a child? That time is alloted nowhere for individuals. We are just expected to know exactly what we want right when the decision is presented! 😠

This is the tragedy and the great misunderstanding of why the current generation is the way it is – Not just millennials, it’s everybody.

What can we do, what the heck can YOU do today (or tomorrow or whenever you decide to use this darn technique) to combat this forever battle with confusion?

Try this:

Take the time to sit quietly with yourself. No phones, no media, no distractions. Just nestle in and sit.

However, it’s not as simple as that, there is one more step…

Studies have shown that plain “reflection” does not usually work. However, meditation does. Meditation has shown to be extremely effective at combating not just our confusion, but also our mental health. It can be as simple as sitting and watching the breath, or as profound as a special breathing technique like in some kriya yoga.

As surprising as it may sound, a large part of our confusion is actually caused by our lack of commitment to the decisions that we have already made. You can simplify your life RIGHT NOW by making a resolve to those decisions. Look at how you have decided your life to be, sit on it, meditate on it. With your clarity, stick to how you have created your life, and change only what needs to be changed.

Don’t “find” the time to do this, MAKE the time to do this.

Blessings to you and thanks for listening 🙏


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