Thought Provoking

Random Number Generator

What if we did a study where we asked many thousands of people to scribble on a sheet of paper and compared scribbles?

What would we find? Would the scribbles have any correlation to each other? What If scribbles point to a similar pattern within a culture, or maybe scribbles point to how your emotional state is, or a brain pattern, or a subgroup of people that all think similarly? Maybe all human beings have a common scribble. What do scribbles say about us? this is all very interesting.


“They grow up placing their self-worth in that praise: If I’m not told I’m beautiful, she’ll start to think, then I must not be.” – The Key to Raising Confident Kids? Stop Complimenting Them!


Words I really like
  • Festering
  • Phantom
  • Galvanize
  • reboot
  • syncronipity
  • gangrene
  • Maya: is the the measurement of the infinite as it becomes finite.


Confidence: A seed of confidence is more powerful than any skill a person may be given. If a student leaves my class believing that they are destined for success, fated to accomplish something great, I have already given that student more than half of the tools needed to accomplish their goal.


Losers don’t lose, they quit.


  • Is knowledge best imparted through logical lines of thought or is knowledge best imparted through strong emotion? Most things that we consider “life lessons” are invaluable and shape us into who we are. Most often, we experience this “light bulb” that goes off in our head and an emotion follows. So is it an emotional experience that invokes the knowledge?


Where were we before this world? Were we up in the heavens with Zeus and his possy of gods – assigned the job of making sure penny’s always landed Lincoln-side-up for good luck? Those would be the days, pre-mortal eleasticicty. What a tragedy it would be passing into mortality. It would not be peaceful. Picture traveling to another dimension – the kind of image most associated with that is going through a worm hole, sucking your matter into a great stretch and swirling it all down a tube like water down the toilet. It would be as dramatic as Zeus picking you out of his bucket of lightning bolts and throwing you down to Earth the moment mommy and daddy conceived. *CRACKLE then BOOM* you are now on planet Earth.

Thought Provoking

Let’s Talk About Reality

Ok guys, I want to point out something that is rarely talked about, thought about, or investigated – that is the imagination (We will define the imagination as the mental images, and sensory details that you can experience with your minds eye). The imagination has fascinated me only recently over the past few months. I was inspired after watching Esther Perel’s TED Talk on, ”The secret to desire in a long-term relationship”. The idea was introduced to me that our imaginations are a much more active force in creating experiences  we desire than given credit for. It lead me to question, “how powerful is the imagination?”. We know that it is powerful enough to invent an understanding of our origin: creation – because we have used creation stories to make sense of where we come from.

So think about this: when we read creation stories, whether it be scientific ones like the big bang, or religious ones as in Genesis, we had to envision, in our minds, all the parts and possibilities that allow that creation story make sense to our brains.

Why did I bring up creation stories? Well I want to point out to question: what is the key difference between the created and the creator, what is already here, and what is perceived as being there? Can we say that the actual events that are recorded in a car accident (created) and the perceived events (creator) have no relation to one another? The intuitive belief is that we have no real effect on our day-to-day experience. But let’s try being insane.

So what is to say that really the, “big bang”, the event from which the universe has theoretically sprang, is actually derived from our imagination – but not just derived from it, sure we could not picture the universe and all of it’s workings without the imagination, but what if the imagination is the genesis of creation? Whose to say that the origin of understanding and even present experience is ultimately from our perception interpreted via imagination?

The take away: Is the spout (meaning, imagination) which we use to make sense of our reality, really the origin of our world?
